问题: PostgreSQL 中 UPDATE 操作 set 带索引的列,但值没变化还会走 HOT UPDATE 吗?

我们用 PostgreSQL 14 internals 中的例子验证一下:

CREATE TABLE accounts(
    client text,
    amount numeric

    (1, 'alice', 1000.00), (2, 'bob', 100.00), (3, 'bob', 900.00);

用 PostgreSQL 14 internals 中提供的两个 UDF(见附录)heap_pageindex_page 查看 heap 表和 btree 的页面 layout:

# SELECT * FROM heap_page('accounts', 0);
 ctid   state   xmin  xmax  hhu  hot  t_ctid 
 (0,1)  normal  920   0 a             (0,1)  
 (0,2)  normal  920   0 a             (0,2)  
 (0,3)  normal  920   0 a             (0,3)  
(3 rows)

# SELECT * FROM index_page('accounts_pkey', 1);
 itemoffset  htid   dead 
          1  (0,1)  f    
          2  (0,2)  f    
          3  (0,3)  f    
(3 rows)

然后进行如下更新语句,该语句 set 索引列但不更新索引列值:

UPDATE accounts SET id = 1, amount = 2000.00 WHERE id = 1;

再次查看 layout:

# SELECT * FROM heap_page('accounts', 0);
 ctid   state   xmin   xmax  hhu  hot  t_ctid 
 (0,1)  normal  920 c  921   t         (0,4)  
 (0,2)  normal  920    0 a             (0,2)  
 (0,3)  normal  920    0 a             (0,3)  
 (0,4)  normal  921    0 a        t    (0,4)  
(4 rows)

SELECT * FROM index_page('accounts_pkey', 1);
 itemoffset  htid   dead 
          1  (0,1)  f    
          2  (0,2)  f    
          3  (0,3)  f    
(3 rows)

可以看到 (0,1) 元组指向了 (0,4),索引上对应的 entry 依旧指向 (0,1),并且元组的头信息设置了标记位 HEAP_HOT_UPDATED 和 HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE。

 * information stored in t_infomask2:
#define HEAP_NATTS_MASK			0x07FF	/* 11 bits for number of attributes */
/* bits 0x1800 are available */
#define HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED		0x2000	/* tuple was updated and key cols
										 * modified, or tuple deleted */
#define HEAP_HOT_UPDATED		0x4000	/* tuple was HOT-updated */
#define HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE			0x8000	/* this is heap-only tuple */

#define HEAP2_XACT_MASK			0xE000	/* visibility-related bits */

上面的页面结构还有一个信息,(0,1) 元组的状态是 normal,这是因为此时该页面还未进行过 page pruning 或 vacuum,其数据依然存在,对其进行 vacuum 后,元组内容会被清除,itempointer 的状态变为 redirect。

# vacuum accounts;

# SELECT * FROM heap_page('accounts', 0);
 ctid       state      xmin   xmax  hhu  hot  t_ctid 
 (0,1)  redirect to 4                                
 (0,2)  normal         920 c  0 a             (0,2)  
 (0,3)  normal         920 c  0 a             (0,3)  
 (0,4)  normal         921 c  0 a        t    (0,4)  
(4 rows)


从代码层面看下为什么上面的语句能够走 HOT UPDATE 逻辑,首先,更新操作执行的算子是 ModifyTable,执行 update 首先会调用 ExecGetUpdateNewTuple 准备一个新插入的元组,然后执行 ExecUpdate:

	slot = ExecGetUpdateNewTuple(resultRelInfo, context.planSlot,

	/* Now apply the update. */
	slot = ExecUpdate(&context, resultRelInfo, tupleid, oldtuple,
					  slot, node->canSetTag);

ExecUpdate 一路跟下去(ExecUpdateAct -> table_tuple_update -> heapam_tuple_update -> heap_update),在 heap_update 中调用 HeapDetermineColumnsInfo 对比更新前后的元组中真正修改的列并设置 bitmap:

		 * Extract the corresponding values.  XXX this is pretty inefficient
		 * if there are many indexed columns.  Should we do a single
		 * heap_deform_tuple call on each tuple, instead?	But that doesn't
		 * work for system columns ...
		value1 = heap_getattr(oldtup, attrnum, tupdesc, &isnull1);
		value2 = heap_getattr(newtup, attrnum, tupdesc, &isnull2);

		if (!heap_attr_equals(tupdesc, attrnum, value1,
							  value2, isnull1, isnull2))
			modified = bms_add_member(modified, attidx);

对于上述的更新语句,虽然 SET 了索引列,但其值并没有真正被修改,所以它并不会囊括到生成的 bitmap 中,heap_update 中如下逻辑是成立的:

	 * At this point newbuf and buffer are both pinned and locked, and newbuf
	 * has enough space for the new tuple.  If they are the same buffer, only
	 * one pin is held.

	if (newbuf == buffer)
		 * Since the new tuple is going into the same page, we might be able
		 * to do a HOT update.  Check if any of the index columns have been
		 * changed.
		if (!bms_overlap(modified_attrs, hot_attrs))
			use_hot_update = true;

因此 HOT UPDATE 得以继续使用。另外,如果使用了 HOT UPDATE,heap_update 的出参 update_indexes 会被设置为 TU_None 或 TU_Summarizing(BRIN 相关,未深入研究),即索引无需更新。

	 * If it is a HOT update, the update may still need to update summarized
	 * indexes, lest we fail to update those summaries and get incorrect
	 * results (for example, minmax bounds of the block may change with this
	 * update).
	if (use_hot_update)
		if (summarized_update)
			*update_indexes = TU_Summarizing;
			*update_indexes = TU_None;
		*update_indexes = TU_All;


DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS index_page(text, integer);
CREATE FUNCTION index_page(relname text, pageno integer)
    RETURNS TABLE(itemoffset smallint, htid tid, dead boolean)
AS $$
    SELECT itemoffset,
           dead -- starting from v.13
    FROM bt_page_items(relname,pageno);
$$ LANGUAGE sql;

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS heap_page(text,integer);
CREATE FUNCTION heap_page(relname text, pageno integer)
        ctid tid, state text,
        xmin text, xmax text,
        hhu text, hot text, t_ctid tid)
AS $$
    SELECT (pageno,lp)::text::tid AS ctid,
        CASE lp_flags
          WHEN 0 THEN 'unused'
          WHEN 1 THEN 'normal'
          WHEN 2 THEN 'redirect to '||lp_off
          WHEN 3 THEN 'dead'
        END AS state,
        t_xmin || CASE
          WHEN (t_infomask & 256) > 0 THEN ' c'
          WHEN (t_infomask & 512) > 0 THEN ' a'
          ELSE ''
        END AS xmin,
        t_xmax || CASE
          WHEN (t_infomask & 1024) > 0 THEN ' c'
          WHEN (t_infomask & 2048) > 0 THEN ' a'
          ELSE ''
        END AS xmax,
        CASE WHEN (t_infomask2 & 16384) > 0 THEN 't' END AS hhu,
        CASE WHEN (t_infomask2 & 32768) > 0 THEN 't' END AS hot,
    FROM heap_page_items(get_raw_page(relname,pageno))
    ORDER BY lp;
$$ LANGUAGE sql;